
Wikibase Resistance (2021 - )

In brief

Initiated by the Cegesoma in the spring of 2021, the Wikibase...


Papy était-il un héros?

Between 100,000 and 150,000 men and women actively took part in the struggle...

Armée Secrète.Zone V, secteur 5, Groupe D - Août 1944: cérémonie de prestation de Serment, Photo n° 27912 © CegeSoma/Archives de l'Etat

Project People@War. A social history of the Second War and its Remembrance in Belgium. (2020-2030)

People @ War. A social history of the Second World War and its Remembrance...

Nekschot. Oorlog, geweld en bevrijding in Tongeren.


"Nekschot" tells the story of the liberation of South Limburg, culminating...

Andrée De Jongh. Une vie de résistante.

Andrée De Jongh

Born in Schaerbeek on 30 November 1916 in a modest home, Andrée De Jongh, an...

Nulpunt 1945. De Lage Landen een mensenleven later

"Nulpunt 1945"

The book “ Nulpunt 1945. De Lage Landen een mensenleven later ” (Zero-point...

Copyright Stadsarchief Antwerpen -

The Resistance in Antwerp during the Second World War

Antwerp was the most important city for the resistance in Flanders during...


Frantz Van Dorpe : a resistance member against liberal democracy.

Lecture and debate (in Dutch), guest speakers:...


Het Schaduwleger. Van clandestiniteit naar herinnering. / L’Armée de l’ombre. De la clandestinité à la mémoire.

Commemorating in Pandemic Times

Originally, the...

Transmemo. A project on the memory of collaboration and resistance during the Second World War in Belgium.

TRANSMEMO (2017-2020)

In September 2017, the federal research project TRANSMEMO was launched - a...

Guerre, famille et transmission. Colloquium project ‘TRANSMEMO’ (memories of collaboration and resistance).

Guerre, famille et transmission

On Thursday 3 October 2019 we will co-organize a conference of the research project TRANSMEMO...

Attendre la lune de mai. Gand 1944. Les combattants de l'ombre. Albert Deweer, Albert Mélot, Albert Wouters.

Attendre la lune de mai.

In April 1944, Albert Mélot, secret agent, member of the British Special...

L'histoire d'espoir de la résistante armée Sarah Goldberg. Public History Encounter of the CegeSoma (2019 - 4).

L'histoire d'espoir de la résistante armée Sarah Goldberg

Pour sa quatrième Rencontre d'Histoire publique, le CegeSoma invitait avec...

Les saboteurs de Morlanwelz. Etude Sociologique et Pyrotechnique.

Les saboteurs de Morlanwelz

This sociological study carried out by M. Franckson and A. Mairiaux explores...


Zélateurs & stipendiés des nazis en Fagne & Thiérache

The work of a privileged witness of the last world conflict, Marcel...

de Gaulle, la Belgique et la France Libre

de Gaulle, la Belgique et la France Libre

This publication brings together various papers presented at a study day on...
