Welcome to CegeSoma (State Archives)

Who are we? CegeSoma is the fourth operational direction of the State Archives and the Belgian centre of expertise for the history of 20th century conflicts. We conduct fundamental historical research, develop public history projects, conserve archives and documentation and are engaged in societal debate.


Resistance in Belgium: national database on the Resistance in Belgium.

Resistance in Belgium: national database on the Resistance in Belgium.

Since 21 October 2024 , the Resistance in Belgium platform allows anyone to research the Resistance in Belgium, thanks to a pilot project developed by CegeSoma/ State Archives . Given the growing interest in the history of the Resistance, it is essential today to make this information accessible to as many people as possible, and to enable everyone to carry out research on the subject.



Snitching, Denunciation, Collaboration: How and Why Citizens Choose to Support Dictators

The rise of Vladimir Putin has brought about a chilling revival of Soviet-era practices, including denunciations by ordinary citizens. In Stalin's Soviet Union and across Eastern Europe during the communist era, such practices...Read more

11/02 2025
Mechelen 1940-1945. Biografie van een stad in oorlog.

Mechelen 1940-1945. Biografie van een stad in oorlog.

Conference (in Dutch) with guests An Rydant and Geert Clerbout. An interview led by Widukind De Ridder.

The city of Mechelen was not spared during the Second World War. The population was confronted with several tragedies:...Read more

26/02 2025