"Nulpunt 1945"
A new book about the heritage of the Second World War
The book “Nulpunt 1945. De Lage Landen een mensenleven later” (Zero-point 1945. The Low Countries a lifetime later) was just published by Ons Erfdeel. Some 15 renowned experts from Belgium and the Netherlands reflect on the relevance and consequences of the Second World War for our life today.
The book contains essays about social security, economic developments after 1945, decolonisation, human rights, European integration and NATO. Of course, the memory of the war is also addressed.
Nico Wouters (CegeSoma) indeed writes about the memory of WWII in Belgium (“Veilig verleden?”), while Helen Grevers (Vredescentrum) and Antoon Vrints (UGent) have penned an essay about remembrance in the Netherlands (“Van nationale consensus tot morele paniek?” (From national consensus to moral panic?)).
Bruno De Wever (UGent) had a short conversation with Nico Wouters and Helen Grevers about the memory of the war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3OmqcncCTo&t=5s
Nico Wouters' introductory chapter about Belgian war memories was translated to English and is available here : https://the-low-countries.com/article/the-history-of-the-second-world-war-must-not-become-a-safe-past
You can find all practical information (content, ordering) in the publication announcement on the website of Ons Erfdeel: https://www.de-lage-landen.com/book/nulpunt-1945-de-lage-landen-een-mensenleven-later#